Why Life In Motion?

It is an essential part of life, not only physical motion: the much vaunted and recognisable benefit of moving our bodies; but also emotional motion, the act of looking inwards in order to move on in our thinking. The attitude of openess to new ideas, notions and ways of living which are the very essence of what it means to be human.

It is a phrase used by the Scottish Suffragette and campaigner Helen Crawfurd, whose life I am researching and writing about within this Substack. In her case, the motion was both physical and political, ideological as well as physiological. She was not a woman who sat and contemplated, rather one who stood, marched and traveled extensively in pursuit of the good she knew could come, if only people would listen.

These pages are about growth and change, in all its many forms. I hope you find inspiration, motivation and a passion for change that meets you where you are.

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About growth and change, in various ways.


I'm a feminist, writer, and recovering evangelical Brit. I love making connections with people, both alive now and from history. Two teenage sons and a husband. I belong to a local community church which I enjoy and find difficult in equal measure.